Encouraging CDM energy projects to aid poverty alleviation. Attachment 2: Reports of Country Initial and Final Workshops
This attachment to the final report (Encouraging CDM energy projects to aid poverty alleviation: Final report) of project R8037 (Encouraging clean development mechanism energy projects to aid poverty alleviation) details the initial and final workshops held in Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania.
Begg, K.; Parkinson, S.; van der Horst, D.; Wilkinson, R.; Theuri, D.; Gitonga, S.; Mathenge, M.; Amissah-Arthur, H.; Atugba, S.; Ackon, S.; Ageby, S.; Meena, H.; Mwakifwamba, S.; Mwakasonde, S. Encouraging CDM energy projects to aid poverty alleviation. Attachment 2: Reports of Country Initial and Final Workshops. (2003) 251 pp.