Energy Africa - Uganda: Fiscal policy options for Solar Home Systems (SHS) - Final Report

An analytical paper on the available fiscal policy options available to support the solar home system market in Uganda


The objective of the study is to provide an analytical paper on the available fiscal policy options available to support the solar home system (SHS) market in Uganda.

The paper provides background to inform a more detailed cost benefit analysis, which will assess fiscal policy options to support energy access through off-grid solar systems and appliances for households at the base of the pyramid.

This research is part of the ‘Technical Assistance Facility to Deliver Africa Energy Compacts’ programme.


Economic Consulting Associates Limited (2018) Energy Africa - Uganda: Fiscal policy options for Solar Home Systems (SHS) - Final Report, Evidence on Demand, 39p

Energy Africa - Uganda: Fiscal policy options for Solar Home Systems (SHS) - Final Report

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Published 1 May 2018