Environmental impact assessment of irrigation and drainage projects.
The guide aims to be of general application to irrigation professionals throughout the developing world. It meets three objectives:
It describes the methodology and output of an EIA
It provides inter-disciplinary advice related to irrigation and drainage to those engaged in preparing EIAs
It supports institutional capacity building for carrying out an EIA
The guide provides a brief reference text, which will be of most benefit to non-specialists in developing countries who may be facing the need to carry out an environmental assessment for the first time.
Technical and engineering content is kept to a minimum throughout the report.
The guidelines are divided into six parts:
An introduction to EIA
The social, institutional and legal issues concerned with effective use of EIA.
The EIA process, including:
Screening, scoping, prediction and mitigation, management and monitoring, auditing, public participation and managing uncertainty.
Possible major environmental impacts of irrigation and drainage projects
Guidance on how to prepare terms of reference
A guide to other publications and recommended texts.
Dougherty, T.C.; Hall, A.W. Environmental impact assessment of irrigation and drainage projects. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper , no. 53. FAO - Rome, Italy. 92 5 103731 0 pp. 73 (1995)
Environmental impact assessment of irrigation and drainage projects.