Evaluation Baseline Report: Zambia Biofortified Maize Challenge Project

This report presents findings about market actors’ and consumers’ awareness, production, purchase and consumption


The baseline report for the Zambia Biofortified Maize Challenge Project evaluation uses data from 212 interviews of maize market actors (including smallholders, rural non-farming residents, retailers, and millers), as well as 1,013 interviews with urban shoppers. It presents findings about market actors’ and consumers’ awareness, production, purchase, and consumption of pro-Vitamin A maize.

This work is part of the AgResults programme


Abt Associates, April 2016. Evaluation Baseline Report: Zambia Biofortified Maize Challenge Project. Bethesda, MD: Abt Associates and Denise Mainville Consulting

Evaluation Baseline Report: Zambia Biofortified Maize Challenge Project

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Published 4 April 2016