Evaluation Close-Out Assessment: Zambia Biofortified Maize Challenge Project

This assessment found that this AgResults project played a role in creating a niche market for pro vitamin A maize


This assessment by External Evaluator Abt Associates found that the AgResults project played a role in creating a niche market for PVA maize, although with limited development impact because the market involved mostly better-off smallholder farmers and urban consumers. Findings suggested that the market would likely be sustained in the short to medium term.

This work is part of the AgResults programme


Mainville, Denise and Tulika Narayan (2020) AgResults Zambia Biofortified Maize Challenge Project – Close-out Assessment. Rockville, Maryland: Abt Associates.

Evaluation Close-Out Assessment: Zambia Biofortified Maize Challenge Project

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Published 3 June 2020