Evidence on education as a driver for migration

This report outlines the evidence on when and whether education services make a difference to people’s reasons for moving


This report synthesises 2 previous reports on drivers of migration, and focuses on the evidence on education’s role. The previous reports focused on education and migration in fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS), and youth employment and education in low and middle income countries. The papers presented reflect these original criteria, but reframe the studies to draw out the evidence on education as a driver.

The report outlines the evidence on when and whether education services make a difference to people’s reasons for moving. This report includes rural-urban migration, regional and international migration, and migration away from fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS). It does not consider migration that is primarily economic, whether regular or irregular.


Browne, E. (2017). Evidence on education as a driver for migration. K4D Helpdesk Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studie, 23pp

Evidence on education as a driver for migration

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Published 27 January 2017