Examining changes in local adaptive capacity resulting from climate change adaptation programming in rural Kyrgyzstan

This research evaluated the programme using a local adaptive capacity framework


The Mountain Societies Development Support Programme, a non-governmental organization, designed and facilitated a climate change adaptation programme to build local adaptive capacity (LAC) among agro-pastoral villages in remote mountain areas of Kyrgyzstan. This research evaluated the programme using the LAC framework of Jones et al. [2010. Towards a characterisation of adaptive capacity: A framework for analysing adaptive capacity at the local level. Background Note. Overseas Development Institute.] Research found the programme contributed to increased adaptive capacity related to the asset base, knowledge and information, and flexible forward-looking decision-making. There were less apparent changes in the characteristics of institutions and entitlements and innovation.


Ashley, L., Zhumanova, M., Isaeva, A., Dear, C., Examining changes in local adaptive capacity resulting from climate change adaptation programming in rural Kyrgyzstan, Climate and Development, vol.8, 2016

Examining changes in local adaptive capacity resulting from climate change adaptation programming in rural Kyrgyzstan

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Published 1 April 2015