Exploring factors influencing the selection of primary health care delivery models

In conflict-affected settings of north west and south west regions of Cameroon and North-East Nigeria: A study protocol.


In conflict-affected settings, access to health care for displaced populations is constrained by barriers including geographical, cultural, communication, logistical, financial and insecurity. A 6 year humanitarian crises in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon has caused 27% of health facilities to be non-functional. The 11 year crisis in North-East Nigeria, has caused the closure of 26% of health facilities. These closure of health facilities and population displacement led to health care delivery using humanitarian funding by multiple different agencies. However, there is a paucity of evidence on the selection and design of the primary health care delivery models used in humanitarian settings. To ensure efficient use of resources and quality of services, model of care selection should be evidence based and informed by the specific humanitarian context. This research protocol aims to explore how primary health care models are selected by humanitarian organizations.

This research was supported by the Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Programme.


Omam L-A, O’Laughlin K, Tendongfor N, Wudiri Z, Hassan MN, Metuge A, et al. ‘Exploring factors influencing the selection of primary health care delivery models in conflict-affected settings of North West and South West regions of Cameroon and North-East Nigeria: A study protocol’. PLoS ONE 2023: volume18, issue 5

Exploring factors influencing the selection of primary health care delivery models in conflict-affected settings of North West and South West regions of Cameroon and North-East Nigeria: A study protocol

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Published 3 May 2023