External debt among HIPCs in Africa: accounting and panel VAR analysis of some determinants

Debt growth rates respond positively to changes in government investment and consumption spending and domestic borrowings


This paper discloses that external debt growth rates among highly indebted poor countries in Africa respond positively to changes in government investment spending, consumption spending and domestic borrowings over a long period, using a panel vector autoregression estimation methodology.

This is an output from the ‘Delivering Inclusive Financial Development and Growth’ project led by the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London)


David Mensah, Anthony Q.Q. Aboagye, Joshua Y. Abor, Anthony Kyereboah-Coleman, (2017) “External debt among HIPCs in Africa: accounting and panel VAR analysis of some determinants”, Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 44 Issue: 3, pp.431-455, https://doi.org/10.1108/JES-05-2015-0080

External debt among HIPCs in Africa: accounting and panel VAR analysis of some determinants

Published 31 January 2017