EXTRAPOLATE (EX-ante Tool for RAnking POLicy AlTErnatives)


EXTRAPOLATE (EX-ante Tool for RAnking POLicy AlTErnatives) arose out of the need for a decision support tool to assess the impact of different policy measures. By disaggregating the effects of policy interventions the tool facilitates discussion of the relevant issues and enables users to visualize the predicted impacts of policy interventions, based on a simple numerical analysis. The idea is for the tool to serve as a \"filter\" that allows the user to sift through, in an ex-ante fashion, a range of policy measures to identify those that could be applied in a specific situation to achieve particular outcomes that further particular policy objectives. This would be the first step in assessing potential impact before looking at identified policy options in more detail.

The EXTRAPOLATE software package may be downloaded from the FAO-PPLPI Decision-Support Tools website.


PPLPI, FAO, Rome, Italy, Computer software + User Guide (56 pp.), also available in Vietnamese.

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Published 1 January 2005