Eyes and Ears on the Ground: Monitoring aid in insecure environments

This study investigated different strategies for how aid agencies can track and assess their work in insecure environments


In contexts where humanitarian organisations and communities are exposed to violence insecurity can hamper every aspect of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), from the collection of evidence and its interpretation, to the sharing and dissemination of M&E information. Existing options for M&E in these contexts entail trade-offs, such as risk transfer to national staff and third parties, increased reputational hazards to the aid agency, or risks from the application of technological solutions where technology is not viewed positively by local non-state armed actors. Against this backdrop, donors and aid agencies are struggling to determine what level and type of M&E is realistic and appropriate under the constraints of insecurity.

This study investigated different strategies for how aid agencies can track and assess their work in insecure environments. The research focused on four contexts: Afghanistan, South Central Somalia, South Sudan and Syria.

This report is part of the Secure Access in Volatile Environments (SAVE) research programme


  • Steets, J. Sagmeister, E. and Rupport, L. (2016) ‘Eyes and Ears on the Ground: Monitoring aid in insecure environments’. Final Report from the Secure Access in Volatile Environments (SAVE) research programme, Humanitarian Outcomes. October.

  • Steets, J. Sagmeister, E. and Rupport, L. (2016) ‘Eyes and Ears on the Ground: Monitoring aid in insecure environments’. Annexes to the Final Report from the Secure Access in Volatile Environments (SAVE) research programme, Humanitarian Outcomes. October.

  • Steets, J. Sagmeister, E. and Rupport, L. (2016) ‘Eyes and Ears on the Ground: Monitoring aid in insecure environments’. Briefing Note from the Final Report from the Secure Access in Volatile Environments (SAVE) research programme, Humanitarian Outcomes. October.

  • Steets, J. & Ruppert, L. (2016). Monitoring and Evaluation in Insecure Contexts: Back to Basics? (Briefing Note from the Secure Access in Volatile Environments (SAVE) research programme: October

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Published 1 October 2016