FDI in Poland: Evidence and a Survey of Investors’ Perceptions


It is widely held that foreign direct investment (FDI) can help to spur development and convergence, with the link receiving renewed emphasis in the context of the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). This paper examines whether FDI can help convergence between regions of Poland. In particular, it seeks to convey the views of foreign enterprises that already have assets in Poland about the relative merits of five of the country’s lagging regions - Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie (the East-5) - as locations for FDI. Given the comparative lack of attention that these areas appear to have received so far from inward investors, the results of the exercise should provide useful guidance to those with ambitions to reverse this neglect.


Working Paper No. 6, 51 pp.

FDI in Poland: Evidence and a Survey of Investors’ Perceptions

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Published 1 January 2005