Fisheries Conflicts Communication Framework: A tool for developing plans and strategies for managing fisheries conflicts (FishCom).
The approaches to fisheries management were not without problems when implemented. Conflicts arise due to diversity of interests, values, priorities and manners of exploitation amongst resource users. Conflicts also emanate from institutional failures in managing the fisheries and enforcing laws and regulations. The FishCom is a structured participatory process intended for policy makers and conflict management practitioners as they have important roles in catalyzing and effecting changes that are instrumental in minimizing, if not totally eliminating conflicts. It was developed through testing and evaluation of a series of communication steps and corresponding tools in case study sites in Bangladesh, Cambodia and India. The framework ensures that actions and decisions arising from participatory activities have a good chance of being taken up by relevant stakeholders and organizations. The four major steps are information gathering, communication planning and strategy, implementation of communication interventions, and attitude change measurement.
WorldFish Center, Malaysia, 5 pp.