Flood adaptation and mitigation in the Awash Basin: responding to new climate patterns

Explores the physical changes in rainfall and landscapes leading to major flood events.


This study explores the physical changes in rainfall and landscapes leading to major flood events. It examines the interaction of physical phenomena with societal and economic dynamics across the basin’s upper, middle, and lower reaches.

Its results show that rainfall extremes during the summer of 2020 occurred in unexpected parts of the basin. Soil moisture conditions overall were wetter than average and timing was a major cause of flooding in 2020.

This report is part of the REACH Improving Water Security for the Poor programme.


Taye MT and others. ‘Flood adaptation and mitigation in the Awash Basin: responding to new climate patterns’ REACH Synthesis report 2024, University of Oxford and International Water Management Institute (IWMI)

Flood adaptation and mitigation in the Awash Basin: responding to new climate patterns

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Published 1 September 2024