Fresh Insights Number 8. Ecological space and a low-carbon future - crafting spaces for equitable economic developments in Africa


The concept of \"equitable ecological space\" translates well into \"per capita carbon dioxide emissions\" and the \"per capita right to emit carbon dioxide\", as recognised under the Kyoto Protocol. Discussions about ecological space in light of developing country aspirations under the Kyoto Protocol brings equity to the forefront. This paper highlights the fact that carbon emissions are intimately linked with economic development, and underscores the need for developed countries to take action to reduce emissions. Importantly, it also corrals arguments in the other Briefing Notes in this series which focus on trade-offs between environmental and social impacts of export horticulture.


International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK, iii + 9 pp.

Fresh Insights Number 8. Ecological space and a low-carbon future - crafting spaces for equitable economic developments in Africa

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Published 1 January 2006