Gastric specimens for diagnosing tuberculosis in adults unable to expectorate in Rawalpindi, Pakistan

This was a comparative cross-sectional study based on retrospective record review



Adult pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients unable to expectorate quality sputum represent a diagnostic challenge. A private hospital in Pakistan routinely performs gastric aspiration in adults with difficulties expectorating


To assess the usefulness of gastric specimens (GS) in diagnosing pulmonary TB (PTB) and drug-resistant TB in adult presumptive TB patients unable to expectorate, and to compare the diagnostic yield and sensitivity of smear, culture and the Xpert® MTB/RIF assay.


This was a comparative cross-sectional study based on retrospective record review.


GS obtained by aspiration under routine programme conditions is useful for detecting TB and drug-resistant TB in adult patients unable to expectorate. Xpert, with its rapid testing, high proportion of interpretable results and better sensitivity, can substantially improve the diagnosis of bacteriologically confirmed TB and rifampicin resistance.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Aslam W, Tahseen S, Schomotzer C, Hussain A, Khanzada F, ul Haq M, Mahmood N, Fatima R, Qadeer E, Heldal E. Gastric specimens for diagnosing tuberculosis in adults unable to expectorate in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Public Health Action. 2017;7(2):141–6.

Gastric specimens for diagnosing tuberculosis in adults unable to expectorate in Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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Published 21 June 2017