Genetic Resource Policies and the Generation Challenge Programme.


The cluster \"Policy Research\" within the GCP programme produced a number of \"policy briefs\" during its first year. The following issues were considered vital to a better understanding of the context in which the GCP operates:

  1. Overview of the policy environment
  2. Humanitarian licenses and definition of \"resource poor\"
  3. Liability and stewardship 4. Other IP-mechanisms
  4. Benefit sharing
  5. Access legislation
  6. Impact of IPR on the breeding sector.

Consortium members assigned their experts in this field to prepare papers introducing relevant issues to non-specialists. The papers were primarily prepared for the GCP and its members. It is hoped that the publication of the papers in this volume will contribute to a wider use and to the ongoing discussions in the extensive field of genetic resource policies.


Mexico D.F.: Generation Challenge Programme, 107 pp.

Genetic Resource Policies and the Generation Challenge Programme.

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Published 1 January 2005