Going after adaptation co-benefits: A REDD+ programme in Fiji


The focus of climate change policy and planning in Fiji is on adaptation. This is to be expected: small island developing states (SIDS) are especially vulnerable to sea-level rise and extreme weather events. The international community accepts this, and international government and donor institutions have focused their support for SIDS in the Pacific on adaptation. Despite this, Fiji has an advanced REDD+ policy and planning process. The case of Fiji helps break down the notion that REDD+ is mainly about mitigation, and shows that the REDD+ financing instrument can have a more universal application.


Ward, M. Going after adaptation co-benefits: A REDD+ programme in Fiji. Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN),, (2012) 6 pp. [Inside Stories on climate compatible development]

Going after adaptation co-benefits: A REDD+ programme in Fiji

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Published 1 January 2012