Helpdesk Report: Reproductive Health Commodity Security Country Case study: Nigeria


This report aims to provide evidence for specific proposals for action at country and/or international level, and for dialogue with bilateral and multilateral donors on the resolution of Reproductive Health commodity supply crises in Nigeria, within the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition. Nigeria’s CPR is among the lowest in the world, with only about 8% of currently married women using a modern method. There are significant regional disparities, in line with poor education and socio-economic indicators in the Northern states. Low use is linked to low demand, with continuing preferences for large families, as well as difficulties in accessing services.


Druce, N.; Oduwole, Y. Helpdesk Report: Reproductive Health Commodity Security Country Case study: Nigeria. Human Development Resource Centre, UK (2005) 38 pp.

Helpdesk Report: Reproductive Health Commodity Security Country Case study: Nigeria

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Published 1 January 2005