Household-Contact Investigation for Detection of Tuberculosis in Vietnam

A cluster-randomized, controlled trial at clinics in 70 districts in 8 provinces of Vietnam


Active case finding is a top priority for the global control of tuberculosis, but robust evidence for its effectiveness in high-prevalence settings is lacking. The researchers sought to evaluate the effectiveness of household-contact investigation, as compared with standard, passive measures alone, in Vietnam

They performed a cluster-randomized, controlled trial at clinics in 70 districts (local government areas with an average population of approximately 500,000 in urban areas and 100,000 in rural areas) in 8 provinces of Vietnam.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Fox GJ, Nhung N V., Sy DN, Hoa NLP, Anh LTN, Anh NT, Hoa NB, Dung NH, Buu TN, Loi NT, Nhung LT, Hung N V., Lieu PT, Cuong NK, Cuong PD, Bestrashniy J, Britton WJ, Marks GB. Household-Contact Investigation for Detection of Tuberculosis in Vietnam. New England Journal of Medicine. 2018;378(3):221–9.

Household-Contact Investigation for Detection of Tuberculosis in Vietnam

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Published 18 January 2018