How do extractive companies measure and report their social performance? Review of approaches to impact assessment

This paper examines the efforts made by extractive companies to report social performance results.


This paper provides an overview of what efforts are currently made to report social performance results by extractive companies, and how these are communicated to affected communities.

Extractive companies included in this review are Anglo American, BG Group, BHP Billiton, BP, Newmont, Rio Tinto, Royal Dutch Shell and Tullow Oil.

For each of these companies the author provides a brief summary of the company wide social performance including:

  • relevant social investment related performance indicators as reported in companies’ sustainability reports
  • examples of company or project level social investment reporting
  • the company’s overall approach to impact assessment
  • reporting of social performance impacts to local communities


Williams, C. How do extractive companies measure and report their social performance?: Review of approaches to impact assessment. EPS PEAKS, UK (2014), 33p

How do extractive companies measure and report their social performance?

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Published 1 April 2014