How does education affect migration from fragile and conflict-affected (FCAS) areas?
Is lack of education in FCAS a pull factor for migrants? Does the provision of education reduce the desire to move?
The query for this report:
- what evidence is there that lack of education in fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS) is a pull factor for migrants, and to what extent does the provision of education reduce the desire of people to move?
The report found:
that almost all of the information on education and migration from fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS) deals with integrating refugees into schools, providing schools in refugee camps, and/or using education to promote peace and tolerance. This body of literature often includes the educational level and status of migrants, but does not examine whether education is a reason for migration.
the large quantity of literature examined for this review (approximately 100 studies) on reasons for migrating away from conflict showed no evidence that education was a strong factor in decisions. Violence, security, economic factors and social networks are all given consistently in the literature as the primary drivers of migration from FCAS.
in general, across low-income contexts, more educated people are more likely to migrate, due to a combination of greater aspirations and lack of appropriate employment in their home environment.
the literature suggests that education plays very little role in the decision to leave a conflict-affected area, as this is primarily a security issue, followed by livelihoods issues. However, education may play a part once people are on the move, in deciding where to go.
there is little to no evidence to suggest that provision of education in FCAS would change migration flows; as education is not a key driver of migration such provision is not likely to overcome the stronger drivers of insecurity and livelihood opportunities.
Health and Education Advice and Resource Team (HEART). Helpdesk Report : How does education affect migration from fragile and conflict-affected areas? HEART, Oxford, UK (2016) 14p