'How to Manage' Series for Healthcare Technology. Guide 6: How to Manage the Finances of Your Healthcare Technology Management Teams


The titles in this Series are designed to contribute to improved healthcare technology management in the health sectors of developing countries, although they may also be relevant to emerging economies, and other types of country. They are are aimed at people who work for, or assist, health service provider organizations in developing countries. Though targeted primarily at those working in health facilities or within the decentralized health authorities, many of the principles will also apply to staff in other organizations (for example, those managing health equipment in the Ministry of Works, private maintenance workshops, and head offices).

This Guide concentrates primarily upon effective financial management of HTM activities by HTM Teams, within the overall healthcare technology management framework.


TALC, St. Albans, UK, ISBN: 0-9549467-5-8, 123 pp.

‘How to Manage’ Series for Healthcare Technology. Guide 6: How to Manage the Finances of Your Healthcare Technology Management Teams

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Published 1 January 2005