HPAI Risk Reduction and Smallholder Poultry Supply Chains – The Case of Thailand.


This brief summarizes research findings on smallholder poultry supply chains in three regions of Thailand. Modelled on similar research undertaken in other Mekong countries, this research combined an assessment of local market chains with an evaluation of household poultry purchasing preferences.

The research findings highlight two general domains of policy recommendations. The first relates to farmers’ market incentives with regard to disease risk mitigation strategies. The second relates to pro-poor multiplier effects from small-scale poultry market chains and their strategic importance for national economic development. Both domains are essential components of second-generation HPAI risk management policies.


HPAI Research Brief No. 14, 4 pp.

HPAI Risk Reduction and Smallholder Poultry Supply Chains – The Case of Thailand.

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Published 1 January 2009