Hybrid Systems of Conflict Management and Community-level Efforts to Improve Local Security in Mindanao


This paper offers a critical interrogation of a Theory of Change (ToC) on hybrid systems of conflict management. It provides an empirical investigation of the specific components and interventions that form a hybrid approach to conflict management and where the specific added values and constraints of this approach should be situated. The paper also locates this hybrid approach and its specific conceptual underpinnings within a broader discussion of state formation and governance in the Philippines, and in Mindanao more specifically.


Adam, J.; Verbrugge, B.; vanden Boer, D. Hybrid Systems of Conflict Management and Community-level Efforts to Improve Local Security in Mindanao. Justice and Security Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, UK (2014) 47 pp. [JSRP Paper 13]

Hybrid Systems of Conflict Management and Community-level Efforts to Improve Local Security in Mindanao

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Published 1 January 2014