Impact evaluation of the World Food Programme’s moderate acute malnutrition treatment and prevention programmes in Sudan

Study evaluated the impact of a targeted, food-based prevention programme in addition to a targeted supplementary feeding programme


In Sudan, where acute undernutrition is considered one of the most serious but least addressed health problems, the World Food Programme (WFP) aimed to assess the effectiveness of a food-based programme to prevent acute malnutrition in children and pregnant and lactating women within the framework of WFP Sudan’s Community-based Nutrition Integrated Programme. The study evaluated the impact of a targeted, food-based prevention programme in addition to a targeted supplementary feeding programme by comparing the incidence and prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in study areas with a combined targeted supplementary feeding programme and a targeted food-based prevention programme (intervention) with study areas with only a targeted supplementary feeding programme (control).

No significant change was observed in GAM, MAM or SAM prevalence or incidence between control and intervention groups. However, the intervention group showed a decrease in numbers at risk of acute malnutrition.

The evaluation highlighted the importance of quality and delivery of services in improving performance, coverage and nutritional status. It recommended improving the method and frequency of case findings; improving record keeping at clinics and the monitoring of MAM at the community level; and re-examining the relevance of messages and appropriateness of delivery platforms.

The study is an output from the Department for International Development’s Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme: greater use of evidence and innovation in humanitarian responses.


Guevarra, E, Mandalazi, E, Balegamire, S, Albrektsen, K, Sadler, K, Abdelsalam, K, Urrea, G and Alawad, S, 2018. Impact evaluation of the World Food Programme’s moderate acute malnutrition treatment and prevention programmes in Sudan. 3ie Impact Evaluation Report 79. New Delhi: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie). Available at: doi:

Impact evaluation of the World Food Programme’s moderate acute malnutrition treatment and prevention programmes in Sudan

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Published 1 July 2018