Impact of First Mile Access Improvements on Small-Scale Farming in Kenya and Tanzania

The “First Mile” is a reference to the primary segment of transport that includes the first stage in the movement of goods and services in rural areas


The “First Mile” is a reference to the primary segment of transport that includes the first stage in the movement of goods and services in rural areas. In this research the First Mile links farmers from their farm to the nearest produce collection or consolidation point, or local market. The road infrastructure in this first transport segment in many low income countries often consists of earthen access roads or tracks that are inaccessible to four wheeled vehicles. Means of transport on the first mile vary from human porterage, animal carts, bicycles and motorcycles, to tractors, pickups and small trucks. The transport used is frequently a function of the type and condition of the road. The dynamics of transport on the first mile and the effect it has on farmers’ livelihoods and ultimately on poverty, is not well understood. This research aimed to explore this aspect of the transport chain and make recommendations for practical application and policy consideration.

This work is part of the Applied Research on Rural Roads and Transport Services through Community Access Programmes in Africa and Asia (AFCAP2 and AsCAP)


Workman, R., Hine, J., Otto, A., Bezuidenhout, and Njenga, P. (2020). Impact of First mile Access Improvements on Small-Scale Farming in kenya and Tanzania. World Tranport Policy & Practice, 26(3).

Impact of First mile Access Improvements on Small-Scale Farming in kenya and Tanzania

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Published 31 August 2020