Impacts of increasing community resilience through humanitarian aid in Pakistan

Evaluation of a humanitarian aid package aimed at building resilience of local communities and enhancing recovery and coping capacities


Extreme weather events and natural disasters, like floods and earthquakes, can cause great losses in human and physical capital. The impact of these events can be particularly disastrous on developing countries that are often under-prepared for such emergencies. Catastrophes intensify existing vulnerabilities in poor communities such as lack of proper shelter, livelihoods and sanitation, thereby contributing to the spread of disease and malnutrition.

This impact evaluation examines whether and how vulnerabilities to negative shocks in Pakistan can be reduced through the basic humanitarian aid package, a residual recovery and preparedness programme delivered by ACTED in 2 rural districts of Sindh in 2016. The package includes interventions in shelter and non-food items, water sanitation and hygiene, food security and livelihoods. The purpose of the interventions is to build local capacity, meet life-saving needs, support community recovery and enhance resilience. Villagers receiving the aid package are more likely to have safe shelters, better sanitation, and safe water, and can implement the new fertility and livestock management techniques. Effects persist 1 year after the programme ended.

This report is an output from the Department for International Development’s ‘Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme: greater use of evidence and innovation in humanitarian responses’ programme


Avdeenko, A and Frölich, M, 2019. Impacts of increasing community resilience through humanitarian aid in Pakistan, 3ie Impact Evaluation Report 100. New Delhi: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie). Available at:

Impacts of increasing community resilience through humanitarian aid in Pakistan: Impact Evaluation report 100

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Published 30 June 2019