Inception Workshop on Political Settlements and Inclusive Growth Project


This report summarises the proceedings of the inception and methodological workshops that Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) organised on the research project: ‘Political economy and political settlements analysis of employment creation in agriculture and agro-processing schemes in the context of inclusive growth in Africa’. The workshop brought together 23 researchers and policy actors from the three study countries (Ethiopia, Nigeria and Kenya), experts/reference group members, the principal investigator, PASGR staff and participants from organizations that support research. The key objective of the workshop was to build consensus on the analytical issues that would be central to the study, the methodological approach, the case studies that each country would focus on, the policy relevance of the study from the perspective of the country policy actors, and key project deliverables.


PASGR. Inception Workshop on Political Settlements and Inclusive Growth Project. Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR), (2015) 43 pp.

Inception Workshop on Political Settlements and Inclusive Growth Project

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Published 1 January 2015