Indicators for conflict, stability, security, justice and peacebuilding (GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 1230)

What indicators are being used to measure progress in conflict, stability, security, justice and peacebuilding?



What indicators are being used to measure progress in conflict, stability, security, justice and peacebuilding?

Key findings

The quality of evidence available on indicators is highly variable. While some organisations have produced comprehensive guidance on the methodological strategies behind their indicators, others fail to identify the data used to inform their systems, or how achievements are assessed. Similarly, the status of indicators (whether they are currently being used or not) is often unclear, and there are a limited number of evaluations.

Examples of indicators that have been identified in this report include:

  • Conflict and violence indicators: Measuring Progress in Conflict Environments (MPICE); Minorities at risk project (MAR); Uppsala Data Conflict Program (UDCP); Heidelberg Conflict Barometer; and Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED).
  • Peacebuilding indicators: Everyday Peace Indicator Project; ‘New Deal’ technical working group common indicators; Globally-Accepted Indicators for Peacebuilding (GAIN); Global Peace Index.
  • Stability indicators: Fragile States Index; Political Stability Index; Index of State Weakness in Developing World.
  • Justice: Rule of Law Index; UN Rule of Law Indicators; Harvard Kennedy School – Indicators in Development: Safety and Justice


Hinds, R.; Carter, B. Indicators for conflict, stability, security, justice and peacebuilding (GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 1230). Governance and Social Development Resource Centre, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (2015) 18 pp.

Indicators for conflict, stability, security, justice and peacebuilding (GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 1230)

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Published 1 January 2015