Institutional arrangements for coastal management in the Caribbean. Final Technical Report for project R8317.


This uptake promotion project sought to identify, test and disseminate the strategies and pathways that would best ensure that the lessons, methods and tools gained from Suite 1 NRSP-funded projects and other complementary research projects were communicated effectively, with the overall purpose of influencing policies and practice in order to effectively implement integrated and equitable natural resource management in the coastal zone in the insular Caribbean. Based on four research experiments, tackling different aspects of the research question and various target audiences, a range of messages, products and pathways were tested throughout the insular Caribbean.


McIntosh, S. 2005. Institutional arrangements for coastal management in the Caribbean. Final Technical Report for project R8317. Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago: CANARI. 31pp.

Institutional arrangements for coastal management in the Caribbean. Final Technical Report for project R8317.

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Published 1 January 2005