Intellectual Property Management in Livestock Veterinary medicines for Developing Countries

The Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed) and intellectual property management


The Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed) is a nonprofit organization that makes livestock vaccines, diagnostics, and medicines accessible and affordable to the very poor. GALVmed coordinates research, development, and deployment among multiple partners, from identifying candidate technologies to manufacturing sustainable supplies of market-ready products.

GALVmed uses a wide range of resources to ensure that Intellectual property (IP) supports innovation for the poor, such as due diligence for accessing upstream technologies, the implementation of IP strategies that work toward development goals, the use of IPRs as incentives to engage partners, and the negotiation of contracts that support the translation of research into products accessible to the poor.

GALVmed’s IP management system benefits its pro-poor mission by addressing broader issues that prevent innovations from becoming sustainable, market-ready products. Experience with public- private partnerships has taught GALVmed to leverage its interests while providing its partners with the opportunity to achieve their own internal mission.

This work was supported by the ‘Global Alliance For Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed): Phase 2 – Protecting Livestock and Saving Human Lives’ programme


Geoola J, Boettinger S.; World Bank 2012. Agricultural Innovation Systems: An Investment Sourcebook. Washington DC: World Bank. p516-521

Intellectual Property Management in Livestock Veterinary medicines for Developing Countries

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Published 30 June 2012