Introducing medical menstrual regulation in Bangladesh: MRM final report


Population Council Bangladesh, in collaboration with DGFP and MSB, and with funding from WHO and the DfID supported STEP UP project, conducted this OR study to test the feasibility and accessibility of introducing menstrual regulation with medication (MRM) in Bangladesh. This study’s findings are expected to help revise policies for MRM provision in the public health sector.


Ismat Ara Hena; Ubaidur Rob; Nargia Sultana; Hossain, I.; Reena Yasmin; Tapash Ranjan Das; Farid Uddin Ahmed. Introducing medical MR in Bangladesh: MRM final report. Population Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2014) 40 pp.

Introducing medical menstrual regulation in Bangladesh: MRM final report

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Published 1 January 2014