Introducing the transnational conflict in Africa dataset

The transnational conflict in Africa dataset can be used to study the neglected transnational dimensions of armed conflicts in Africa


This occasional paper is the counterpart to the paper, ‘Redescribing Transnational Conflict in Africa’ (Twagiramungu et al. 2019). It introduces the transnational conflict in Africa (TCA) dataset, which can be used to study the neglected transnational dimensions of armed conflicts in Africa. The TCA dataset is built by combining, augmenting, and revising several existing datasets, each of which captures some elements of transnational conflict, including interstate wars, external state support in interstate wars, low-intensity confrontations between states, external interventions in civil wars, and external support to rebels or coup-makers. The methodology underlying the TCA is explained and some descriptive statistics concerning the dimensions of transnational conflict in Africa are presented. The final section discusses some challenges and concludes that the conventional wisdom that Africa has experienced little interstate conflict is misleading. In order to fully explain the internationality of wars in Africa, including so-called ‘civil wars’ as well as other forms of political violence such as military coups, one needs to look at regional and interstate dynamics, as opposed to solely dynamics within a country.

This work is part of the Conflict Research Programme managed by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and funded by the UK Department for International Development.


Duursma, Allard, Twagiramungu, Noel, Gebrehiwot Berhe, Mulugeta and De Waal, Alex (2019) Introducing the transnational conflict in Africa dataset. Occasional Paper (20). World Peace Foundation and the Conflict Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Introducing the transnational conflict in Africa dataset (PDF, 702KB)

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Published 22 August 2019