Knowledge, access and utilization of bednets among stable and seasonal migrants in an artemisinin resistance containment area of Myanmar

Community surveys on 2484 migrant workers, Bago Region, were analyzed, of which 37% were seasonal migrants



Myanmar lies in the Greater Mekong sub-region of South-East Asia faced with the challenge of emerging resistance to artemisinin combination therapies (ACT). Migrant populations are more likely than others to spread ACT resistance. A vital intervention to reduce malaria transmission, resistance spread and eliminate malaria is the use of bed nets. Among seasonal and stable migrants in an artemisinin resistance containment region of Myanmar, the authors compared a) their household characteristics, b) contact with health workers and information material, and c) household knowledge, access and utilization of bed nets.


Secondary data from community-based surveys on 2484 migrant workers (2013 and 2014, Bago Region) were analyzed of which 37% were seasonal migrants. Bed net access and utilization were assessed using a) availability of at least one bed net per household, and b) one bed net per two persons, and c) proportion of household members who slept under abed net during the previous night (Indicator targets = 100%).


This study reveals important short-falls in knowledge, access and utilization of bed nets among migrants in Myanmar. Possible ways forward include frequent distribution campaigns to compensate for short transitory stays, matching household distributions to household size, enhanced information campaigns and introducing legislation to make mosquito repellents available for night-time workers at plantations and farms. Better understanding through qualitative research is also merited.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Than WP, Oo T, Wai KT, Thi A, Owiti P, Kumar B, Shewade HD, Zachariah R. Knowledge , access and utilization of bed- nets among stable and seasonal migrants in an artemisinin resistance containment area of Myanmar. Infectious Diseases of Poverty; 2017;1–8.

Knowledge, access and utilization of bednets among stable and seasonal migrants in an artemisinin resistance containment area of Myanmar

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Published 14 September 2017