Learning brief 2: Setting and monitoring outcome targets in WASH programmes

This brief presents learning from the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Results Programme


The WASH Results Programme was a large-scale, Payment by Results (PbR) programme in which some payments to implementers were dependent on the achievement of WASH outcomes. This prompted considerable investment in the process of setting outcome targets and identifying approaches to measuring outcomes. Consequently, the experience of the WASH Results Programme has generated insights for potential funders and implementers in the design of large-scale WASH programmes, both in using PbR mechanisms and promoting sustained WASH outcomes.

Key insights

  1. A challenge to establishing appropriate outcome-level targets for a PbR programme is the lack of sector-wide data about expected success rates on outcomes and the extent to which contextual factors will impact achievement.

  2. Outcome targets that reflect area-wide results can incentivise effective programming and improve equity.

  3. Results frameworks could usefully include requirements to reach potentially vulnerable groups and encourage monitoring and reporting of disaggregated outcomes.

  4. Explicitly addressing delivery risks for suppliers in results frameworks can enhance the cost-effectiveness of the programme.

  5. Rigorous outcome measurement may not be possible using a single measure: well-chosen measures may well incorporate several sub-indicators, particularly for proxy measurement.

  6. Investment in regular outcome monitoring is valuable both for upward accountability and to enable adaptive programming.

Learning Briefs series

This is one in a short series of learning briefs exploring the WASH Results Programme’s achievements in delivering sustainable WASH outcomes and lessons about programme design. The full series is:

  1. Outcome achievements in the WASH Results Programme: data and insights

  2. Setting and monitoring outcome targets in WASH programmes

  3. Reaching the vulnerable and those in fragile contexts with WASH services

  4. Experiences in WASH systems strengthening


E-Pact (2020) Setting and monitoring outcome targets in WASH programmes: Learning brief #2

Learning brief #2: Setting and monitoring outcome targets in WASH programmes

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Published 13 October 2020