Linking Savings Accounts to Mobile Phones: Are Potential Users Interested? IGC Working Paper


This project in Sri Lanka aims to examine the effect of access to low-cost savings products on a variety of outcomes at the household and enterprise level. The project is also designed to provide evidence on the demand for savings services at various pricing schedules. The savings services use mobile phones for transactions, and this research investigates the take-up of the service and the effects of different pricing rates.


de Mel, S.; Herath, D.; McIntosh, C.; Woodruff, C. Linking Savings Accounts to Mobile Phones: Are Potential Users Interested? IGC Working Paper. International Growth Centre (IGC), London, UK (2012) 17 pp.

Linking Savings Accounts to Mobile Phones: Are Potential Users Interested? IGC Working Paper

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Published 1 January 2012