Literature review seminal papers on shared value.

This paper examines the concept of shared value and what the business community thinks of it


This paper identifies seminal papers on the concept of shared value and the framework in which it is thought of by the business community. The literature obtained predominately focuses on two interrelated areas. First is the development of the concept of shared value. Reflecting the concept’s contemporary nature the development of this initial framework has been limited. A more extensive part of the literature focuses on the interrelated area of business ventures at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP), often termed ‘inclusive business strategies/models.’ Much of this literature, primarily from development organisations, is focused on specific case studies - with mixed rigour in their analysis - rather than the development of the overarching concept.


Williams, R.; Hayes, J. Literature review seminal papers on shared value. (2013) 27 pp.

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Published 1 January 2013