Livelihood Assets required for an East Africa FADs Programme, Final Technical Report.


A number of studies on the status of Tanzania and Zanzibar's inshore fisheries have described threats to the sustainability of marine resources and therefore threats to the livelihoods of coastal fisheries communities. This research aims to improve the understanding of the potential for Fish Aggregation Device (FAD) programmes to contribute to the livelihoods of poor coastal fishers by providing opportunities to increase fish catches in offshore waters. In addition to a national perspective, three case study areas were selected for fieldwork to profile livelihood assets and to assess threats and vulnerabilities of a FAD programme. Frame surveys, secondary literature and local knowledge of the areas led to the choice of northern Unguja (Nungwi and Kigomani villages), Tanga Region (Kigombe and Sahare) and Mafia Island (Chole and Juani Islands) as sites for the field investigation. The summary of the findings and recommendations from this investigation are presented in a draft policy brief aimed at decision-makers.


Samaki Consultants Ltd, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 30 pp.

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Published 1 January 2003