Local Content Frameworks in Latin American and African Oil and Gas Sector

This research design and methods paper is the first stage in joint comparative research


This research design and methods paper is a working document, and the first stage in joint comparative research into the topic of local content frameworks in the oil and gas sector.

The limited nature of mineral resources and demands of the extractive sector require policymakers to find mechanisms to maximise the sector’s benefits. One potential mechanism to achieve this is so-called ‘local content’ which refers to the actions a country can adopt to increase benefits from the extractive sector through the promotion of local employment, skills development, and national industry participation.

The promotion of local content has become a matter of increasing interest and debate in Africa and Latin America. Despite this, local content experiences from both regions are scattered and outcomes are undocumented. In order to inform the debate and provide policymakers with evidence to decide whether local content is the best policy option, this study seeks to map local content frameworks in Latin America and Africa and analyse possible outcomes.


Herrera, J.J.; Morales, M.; Jarrín, S.; Magelah, P.; Mushemeza, E.D. Local Content Frameworks in Latin American and African Oil and Gas Sector. Practical Action, Lima, Peru (2015) 19 pp.

Local Content Frameworks in Latin American and African Oil and Gas Sector

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Published 1 January 2015