Mbarali District, Tanzania Stakeholder Workshop, September 22nd 2016 Workshop report
Mbarali District, Tanzania stakeholder Wwrkshop, September 2016
Mbarali District, Tanzania Stakeholder Workshop, September 22nd 2016 Workshop report
This was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Research and Learning in Africa (SAIRLA) programme - Bringing evidence to bear on negotiating ecosystem service and livelihood trade-offs in sustainable agricultural intensification
Bourne M, Johaness N, Massawe B, Shoo AN. 2016. Mbarali Distirct, Tanzania Stakeholder Workshop, September 22nd 2016: Workshop Report. For the project: Bringing evidence to bear on negotiating ecosystem service and livelihood trade-offs in sustainable agricultural intensification in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Zambia as part of the SAIRLA program. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Kenya.