Modelling hydrology in Himalayan catchments using the PERSiST model

PERSiST is a dynamic rainfall-runoff modelling toolkit to simulate flows in the Upper Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers


There are ongoing discussions about the appropriate level of complexity and sources of uncertainty in rainfall runoff models. Simulations for operational hydrology, flood forecasting or nutrient transport all warrant different levels of complexity in the modelling approach. More complex model structures are appropriate for simulations of land-cover dependent nutrient transport while more parsimonious model structures may be adequate for runoff simulation. The appropriate level of complexity is also dependent on data availability. Here, we use PERSiST; a simple, semi-distributed dynamic rainfall-runoff modelling toolkit to simulate flows in the Upper Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers.

This research was supported by the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme


Futter, M.N., Whitehead, P.G., Sakar, S., Rodda, H., Crossman, J., Modelling hydrology in Himalayan catchments using the PERSiST model. Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts. 2015,17, 1070-1081

Modelling hydrology in Himalayan catchments using the PERSiST model

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Published 1 January 2015