Multi-grade teaching - A review of research and practice


This research review was commissioned by the ODA. Its terms of reference were to review the international literature in the area of multi-grade teaching (the teaching of students of different ages, grades and abilities in the same group), giving special attention to material from developing countries; to provide an annotated bibliography; and to indicate areas for future research.

Chapter 1 describes the concept and status of multi-grade teaching. Chapter 2 focuses on lessons from developing countries (Zambia, Peru, Sri Lanka). Chapter 3 discusses research evidence on the effects of multi-grade teaching, and Chapter 4 considers the implications for the practice of multi-grade teaching and further research.


Educational Paper No. 12, DFID, London, UK, ISBN 0 90250 058 9, 63 pp.

Multi-grade teaching - A review of research and practice

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Published 1 January 1995