Multi Year Humanitarian Funding in Ethiopia

A thematic evaluation of their multiyear humanitarian funding (MYHF) approach in Ethiopia


In early 2014 the UK Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned Valid Evaluations to carry out a thematic evaluation of their multiyear humanitarian funding (MYHF) approach in Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan and Pakistan. This forms part of the Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme (HIEP) and is one of a number of studies into new or emerging humanitarian approaches. This report summarises the findings in Ethiopia and is one of 4 summative country reports. A final synthesis report will draw together the overall findings of the evaluation.

This report is part of ‘Building resilience and responding to crises in fragile and conflict-affected states: A thematic evaluation of DFID’s multi-year approaches to chronic/protracted humanitarian crises in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan and Pakistan’ programme


Sida, L.,Levine, S.,Gray,B.,Cabot Venton,C., London: ODI (2019) Multi Year Humanitarian Funding in Ethiopia.; pp 50

Multi Year Humanitarian Funding in Ethiopia

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Published 19 July 2019