National Development Banks in the BRICS: Lessons for the Post-2015 Development Finance Framework


In 2015, the framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will be agreed. As described in the outcome document of the United Nations (UN) Rio+20 conference, The Future We Want, the mobilisation and effective use of stable, sufficient and suitable development finance must be a crucial part of this framework. While there is now broad agreement that National Development Banks (NDBs) have the potential to contribute positively to development objectives, it is less clear how this can best be done in practice. As a contribution to this debate, this Policy Briefing summarises research on the experience of NDBs in the BRICS countries.


Spratt, S.; Barone, B. National Development Banks in the BRICS: Lessons for the Post-2015 Development Finance Framework. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton, UK (2015) 4 pp. [IDS Policy Briefing 93]

National Development Banks in the BRICS: Lessons for the Post-2015 Development Finance Framework

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Published 1 January 2015