Outcomes in children treated for tuberculosis with the new dispersible fixed-dose combinations in Port Moresby

Characteristics and outcomes for children treated with the new FDCs and risk factors for unfavourable treatment outcomes



The new child-friendly fixed dose combinations (FDCs) were introduced at Port Moresby General Hospital, Papua New Guinea, in 2016 for the first-line treatment of children with tuberculosis (TB) who weighed 25 kg.


To describe the characteristics and outcomes for children treated with the new FDCs, and to identify risk factors for unfavourable treatment outcomes.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Apis V, Landi M, Graham SM, Islam T, Amini J, Sabumi G, Mandalakas AM, Meae T, du Cros P, Shewade HD, Welch H. Outcomes in children treated for tuberculosis with the new dispersible fixed-dose combinations in Port Moresby. Public Health Action. 2019;9(1):S32–7.

Outcomes in children treated for tuberculosis with the new dispersible fixed-dose combinations in Port Moresby

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Published 21 August 2019