Overcoming access barriers for facility based delivery in low-income settings: insights from Bangladesh and Uganda.


Women in both Bangladesh and Uganda face a number of barriers to delivery in professional health facilities, including costs, transportation problems, and sociocultural norms to deliver at home. Some women in both the countries manage to overcome these barriers. This paper reports on a comparative qualitative study investigating how some women and their families were able to use professional de­livery services. The study provides insights into the decision-making processes and overcoming access barriers.


Parkhurst, J.; Ssengooba, F.; Rahman, S. Overcoming access barriers for facility based delivery in low-income settings: insights from Bangladesh and Uganda. Journal of Health Population and Nutrition (2006) 24 (4) 438-445.

Overcoming access barriers for facility based delivery in low-income settings: insights from Bangladesh and Uganda.

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Published 1 January 2006