Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Turkey



What is the status of corruption and anti-corruption in Turkey?


According to some observers, Turkey has made progress in terms of democratic political reforms, economic liberalisation and commitment to EU oriented reforms in the last decade, triggered by the country’s accession to full EU membership candidacy status in 1999. However, the situation of human rights, especially with regard to minorities and political freedoms remain an issue of great concern that may undermine the country’s growing standing in the region. In spite of progress made, the country also continues to be confronted to major challenges of rampant corruption, with both petty and grand forms of corruption permeating many sectors of the society, including the public sector, the private sector, political parties and the military.


Chêne, M. Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Turkey. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, CMI, Bergen, Norway (2012) 10 pp. [U4 Expert Answer 313]

Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Turkey

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Published 1 January 2012