Preference for Private Sector for Vaccination of Under-Five Children in India and Its Associated Factors

Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample


Understanding the factors associated with private sector preference for vaccination will help in understanding the barriers in seeking public facility and also the steps to improve public–private partnership (PPP) model. The authors analysed the recent National Family Health Survey-4 data (NFHS-4; 2015–16) gathered from Demographic Health Survey programme. Stratification and clustering in the sample design was accounted using svyset command.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Sarveswaran G, Krishnamoorthy Y, Sakthivel M, Vijayakumar K, Priyan S, Thekkur P, Chinnakali P. Preference for Private Sector for Vaccination of Under-Five Children in India and Its Associated Factors: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 2019. Epub Ahead of Print

Preference for Private Sector for Vaccination of Under-Five Children in India and Its Associated Factors: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample

Published 29 January 2019