Preliminary studies on the effect of the host plant on the susceptibility of Meloidogyne nematodes to spore attachment by the obligate parasite Pasteuria penetrans
Variability in the number of spores of the bacterial parasite Pasteuria penetrans which attached to second stage juveniles of a mixed Meloidogyne javanica / M. incognita population after development on different host plants was recorded. These differences may result from the prevalence of different selected sub-populations with variable susceptibility to the bacterium due to competitive differences in growth and reproductive efficiency between species, races and biotypes. Therefore, the long term effect of the parasite on field populations of Meloidogyne is likely to be less consistent under crop rotations than under monoculture.
Channer, A.G.De R.; Goumas, D.E.; Gowen, S.R.; Tzortzakakis, E.A. Preliminary studies on the effect of the host plant on the susceptibility of Meloidogyne nematodes to spore attachment by the obligate parasite Pasteuria penetrans. Russian Journal of Nematology (1995) 3 (1) 23-26.